


Working hours: 09:00 am to 16:00 pm

Noghteh Studio
Noghteh Studio
Along with the most professional short films!

What do you know about Studio Point?

We are proud to introduce: “Point Studio” filmmaking art group. This group includes a talented and creative team of artisans and artists who focus on creativity, innovation and art to create unique works in the world of filmmaking. Using various techniques and visual techniques, we portray inspiring and effective stories.

Think room!

To get recording ideas

Editing the script

In the most meaningful way possible

Recording day!

One of the most beautiful days possible for any artist in the field of cinema

Edit and publish

Removing impurities and reaching the hands of you, the audience

Our studio workflow

See our work steps from this section!

preparation and compilation

recording, preparing and editing and finally delivering good and appropriate content to you, dear audience



After setting a goal, one of the most important parts of writing and preparing a suitable and effective story to achieve a good result!



A target community is considered for all projects and we try to take a step towards growth and reaching that goal




years of work experience

Project in progress


The project is done

Our professional services

View some of our site services here!

Making a podcast

Creating professional podcasts about the behind the scenes of film making and the difficulties of this field.

Film and animation production

Professional production of short films and animations with the best work quality and skilled and experienced forces.

Produce articles

Professional production of articles…Review of movies and animations of the day

Our latest projects

All our projects are professional and of the highest global quality

What do they say about us?

Your comments, the audience, are always a point of hope for continuing work and development and focusing on work

Our latest articles

Read and learn the best tricks and the best content in high quality