


Working hours: 09:00 am to 16:00 pm

Kabus Naji

Kabus Naji

Kabus Naji

(Kabus Naji)

These were the nightmares that destroyed our dreams many times and only bad memories are left from them! Now, wouldn’t you be surprised if you hear that a nightmare can save a person from addiction?!

The movie “Kabus Naji” tells the story of a boy who is trapped in addiction and constantly sees his future in front of his eyes.

This movie is an impressive example for the youth who grew up in this crowd!

The movie “Kabus Naji” won the first place in the short film section of the Alborz Province “Nojovan Salem” festival. The positive points of the film such as color adjustment, editing, screenplay, cinematography and direction made it attract good comments.

The film has a psychological story line and the musical makes the audience enjoy more.

By making this film, the children of “Studio noghteh” are trying to lead young people who are caught up in this issue to quit and abandon this great addiction.

Film cast:

Writer and director: Mehdi Khatamian

Photographer: Mohammad Reza Hadipour

Procurement: Mohammadreza Alimoradi

Editor: Mohsen Shahbek

Actor: Rasul Mahakhari